

The first of its kind, Profhilo® is a revolutionary 'beneath the skin' hyaluronic acid moisturising treatment, made with the patented NAHYCO® technology. This results in a unique hyaluronic acid injectable gel, which has a prolonged stimulating activity on the dermal cells. When injected into skin, Profhilo® stimulates the skin cell receptors to counteract skin laxity and improve and restore firmness of the skin.

One of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market, Profhilo® not only boosts and hydrates the skin, but also remodels ageing and sagging tissue. The most common areas of treatment include the face and neck and can also be used for the décolletage, hands, arms, knees and abdomen area where it would effectively treat skin laxity. The treatment is suitable for men and women as well as offering skin benefits for patients of all ages.


Bringing Out the Beauty In Everyone

One of the highest concentrations of hyaluronic acid on the market.


How does Profhilo work?

● Ultra-pure hyaluronic acid is precisely injected into the area being treated. Unlike wrinkle reducing and dermal filler treatments, Profhilo® stimulates collagen and elastin, attracting water in the deeper layers of the skin.
● As a stabilised product, the activity on dermal cells will last longer than that of a non-stabilised gel. During this time the stimulation of four different types of collagen and elastin takes place by slow release of hyaluronic acid.
● The stimulation results in significant tissue improvement. Therefore we cannot say that Profhilo® is a skin booster as it also has a significant tightening / lifting effect on the tissue.

Who can benefit from Profhilo?

● If you are looking to rejuvenate and hydrate your skin, we highly recommend considering a Profhilo treatment, it can be effective on various areas of the face, however, is particularly beneficial for anyone who is concerned regarding the appearance of the lower area of the face. Furthermore, Profhilo can help provide your skin a firmer, smooth look and is excellent for reducing fine facial lines.

How many times is Profhilo treatment required?

● Typically, a Profhilo treatment process will consist of just two sessions conducted around one month apart. After around 6 months, if deemed necessary one more session can be performed to create an even more long lasting effect.

How quickly will I see the results?

● The effects of Profhilo on the appearance of the skin are almost immediate. After just one treatment session, you will notice your skin looking revitalised and brighter. Profhilo then continues to work at a gradual, steady rate and over time you will notice a continuous improvement.

Is Profhilo painful?

● Profhilo in injected into the skin using a very fine needle and the pain is minimal. Topical numbing cream can be applied at the request of the client.

Are there any risks or side effects?

● Not at all – Profhilo is a very safe treatment with no long term negative effects. Following injection, you may naturally experience some slight redness or bruising, but this will typically fade away within a few hours and there is nothing to be concerned about. To date, Profhilo has been applied to over a million patients worldwide with no known cases of patients suffering from any serious negative effects.

Please note that M & M Aesthetics does not perform this procedure on pregnant women or women taking birth control pills. Any individual who has had a blood clot may not be eligible for this procedure.

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